Michael Jackson Impersonator
Michael Jackson Impersonator

Michael Jackson Impersonator

Not all lessons are created equal.

Some lessons we learn are small. They are little reminders along the way of what truly matters.

Other lessons are giant. They fundamentally change the course of our entire lives.

Over the past 13 years working in MMO (Make Money Online), this is the single most important lesson I've learned.

Success hinges on one thing…

This one thing MUST happen BEFORE you even watch any Youtube video or read any blog post about MMO: Know-who-you-are!

And here's why.

1. I used to don't know who I am. So I just follow the money, jump from this method to that method for quick bucks.

2. I glued to the PC working so hard that I did not care about my health or anything else.

3. I only realized that It’s not about getting more money. It’s about finding enough money to support the lifestyle I want.

At the end of the day, there is only 1 simple goal:

Achieve the freedom to do everything we want…and nothing we don’t.

Unluckily, I only realize this lesson too late after too many failure, even depressions.

I used to pay too much attention to others' opinions, and I am also lured by luxury life (big house, big car). But that's not me.

I really want a simple life, surrounding with simple people who really care about me.

Know yourself must be:

- Know your strong points and weak points

- Know what kind of life do you want to lead

The key message here:

You must know yourself deep enough so that you can productize yourself

When it comes to online success, there's an ocean of information out there. Countless YouTube videos and blog posts promise the key to unlocking financial freedom.

But amidst all the noise, what's the single most important lesson I've learned in over 13 years of navigating the world of Make Money Online (MMO)?

It might surprise you:

Success hinges on knowing yourself before you even delve into the "how-to" of online income.

Not all lessons are created equal.

Some are gentle nudges, while others, like this one, have the power to fundamentally shift the course of our lives.

Why is knowing yourself so crucial? Here's why:

The Pitfalls of Chasing the Wrong Dream

In the early days, I was a nomad in the land of MMO. I lacked a clear identity, chasing the latest "get rich quick" scheme without a compass. Blinded by dollar signs, I hopped from one method to the next, glued to my computer, neglecting my health and well-being. It was a hamster wheel of frustration.

The Epiphany:

It's Not About More Money, It's About Enough

This frantic pursuit led me to a crucial realization: making money online isn't about accumulating more and more. It's about securing enough to live the life I truly desire. The ultimate goal? Freedom. The freedom to pursue our passions, to spend quality time with loved ones, and to say "no" to what doesn't align with our values.

Sadly, this realization came after a period of wasted effort and even depression. I discovered that a simple life, surrounded by genuine people, was what truly resonated with me. The lure of a luxurious lifestyle (big house, fancy car) held no appeal.

Knowing Yourself: The Blueprint for Success

So, how do you truly know yourself? Here's the breakdown:

  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify your unique talents and areas that need development. Leverage your strengths and find tools to support your weaknesses.
  • Dream Lifestyle: Craft a vision for your ideal life. What kind of environment do you want? What activities bring you joy? How much time do you want to dedicate to work? Understanding your desired lifestyle will guide your income needs.

Know Yourself So Deeply You Can "Productize" Yourself

Knowing yourself isn't a passive exercise. It's about self-discovery that unlocks your potential. Once you understand your core values, strengths, and lifestyle aspirations, you can "productize" yourself. This means crafting an online presence, a product, or a service that reflects your unique essence and caters to your ideal clientele.

This Self-Awareness is Your Competitive Advantage

In the crowded online marketplace, true differentiation comes from authenticity. When your online presence resonates with your core values and reflects your genuine self, you attract the right audience, build trust, and create a sustainable business model.

Your Journey Begins Here

Remember, making money online isn't a one-size-fits-all proposition. It's a personalized journey fueled by self-awareness. Start by asking yourself:

  • What are my passions?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  • What kind of lifestyle do I truly crave?
  • How much income do I need to support my ideal life?

Answering these questions is the foundation for your online success.

It empowers you to navigate the world of MMO with purpose and direction, ensuring you find the path to financial freedom that aligns with your deepest desires.

Now it's your turn!

Share your experiences with MMO and the lessons you've learned in the comments below. Let's build a community of self-aware entrepreneurs who are passionate about creating online success on their own terms.


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Help content creators to make money online by sharing actionable marketing tips #TEDxSpeaker since 2015 ⚠ Fact: Quit 9-5 banking job after 8 years (?!)
