Michael Jackson Impersonator
Michael Jackson Impersonator

Michael Jackson Impersonator

Today's blog post is very special.

Because it is about my dear forever true good friend, Yvetter Sanchez. I cannot tell you about Yvette's personal information. As you can notice from my blog post and Youtube videos, there are always comments by an account named Yvette Sanchez.

I don't remember the first time Yvette commented on my video.

But Yvette's comments caught my attention because they were long and sincere. To be honest, at first, I thought it was spamming. But I also replied them kindly. And to my surprise, Yvette always replied back with appreciation.

After commenting back and forth, we decided to be pen pal. And the first email Yvette sent to me was on December 27th, 2022. In the email, Yvette's childhood was told. She had a terrible abusive story but she remained a strong believe in kindness. I was so touched with the story and thought it would be very inspiring to make a blog post about it.

I asked for Yvette's permisson to write about Yvette's story.

So this blog post is about my dear forever true good friend Yvette Sanchez's story, including an exclusive interview with Yvette.

Yvette Sanchez's Story: A Testament to the Power of Kindness After Abuse

I have always been a person who believes in always being kind, thoughtful, & appreciative towards others.

As a result, everyone thinks that it is because my parents raised me well to have taught me to be like that. They don't know that nobody taught me but myself with my own common sense.

I have also always been a very determined survivor & not a complainer. That is especially good that I am that way because it is one of the few reasons that I was able to survive the most gruesome physical, mental, & verbal abuse at the hands of my parents every day of my life since I was a small child clear until I moved out at 19 years old.

When I was 17 years old, my parents were finally discovered by psychiatrists to both have been all along mentally ill.

It's believed that that's why they abused me because it was sick thoughts in their heads. The psychiatrist wanted to remove me from my parents and put me in foster care. But, since I was already 17 years old, almost an adult of 18 years old, they could not. So, instead they were only able to highly recommend that I move out of my parents home as soon as I turned an adult.

The problem was that I was not actually able to move out of the house until I turned 19 years old because I needed to save up enough money first.

I have one sibling, a sister, who is 2 years and 3 months older than me. My parents beat us both.

But, I still got it a lot worse because their mental illness made them focus more against the weaker, quieter, shy one, me. My parents mental illness is not inheritive. So, sure enough, when I voluntarily had myself tested at the age of 18 because I knew that I did not have any mental illness, indeed it was fully confirmed that I do not have any mental illness.

My father even tried to rape me at 17 years old.

But, fortunately I got my knee up under him & kicked him right in the privates to get him off me & stop that. My mother even beat me so badly in a motel room while traveling with my parents at the age of 15 that it left me for dead if I had not been such a determined survivor.

For no reason, my mother chased me into it's bathroom & started attacking me like a wildcat was scratching the heck out of me.

She ended up coming at me so fast & scratching me so many times that it was just one big blur. There were scratch marks all over me.

And at the same time, she bashed the back of my head over and over against the edge of the concrete bathtub. She did it so badly that everything went completely gray & blurry on me. When it was done, I layed on the bathroom floor in great agony, almost completely helpless.

I was bleeding all over.

A lot of people would have just lay there, given up and died.

I felt like that.

But, then I realized that I should not give up & let them win by doing me in.

So, in great agony, I dragged myself across the bathroom floor into the separate shower, while laying on the floor I had to reach up, barely reaching the shower knobs, just turn on cold water to run over me and drain all the blood off of me and down the drain while I just laid there in great pain for over 20 minutes before I very cautiously slowly got up and went back in the main room trying to pretend that she did not just do what she did and just get on with life because I did not want her attacking me again.

Every since I moved out of their home at 19, the physical abuse finally stopped only because I am no longer home to be their victim.

But, to this day, whenever I've spoke to them in person or on the phone, they do however continue to verbally, mentally, and emotionally abuse me through the horrible things that they say to me in every other conversation.

My father passed away at 82 1/2 on 1/2/22. But, he did that to his grave.

My mother is still hanging in there & continues to do it to this day.

A lot of people would say "Just don't call them nor talk to them anymore.". But, no, I still call them because their still my parents, so I believe that I owe them enough respect to at least call them even though they don't otherwise deserve it.

Instead, even though I don't like what their saying, I just teach myself to ignore it. Now, a lot of teenagers that went through anything like what I went through in those days would kill themselves or run away.

Fortunately what kept me from doing that was that, even though it was horrifying sticking around, at least I knew not to do those things because killing myself would have been punishing myself for what they did, and, of course, I wasn't to blame so I wasn't going to be stupid enough to kill myself, and I knew thanks to movie re-enactments based on true stories then that running away would not be the answer because most of those girls eventually come up murdered.

So, I wasn't about to be that stupid. Instead, despite the horror of being stuck with them, I just knew to stay strong and look forward to the day that I would finally be able to afford to move out on them.

I grew up with the music, dancing, & singing of Michael Jackson & Prince!! They both Excelled well above all others & were so handsome & charming!! So, I've always been a great devoted fan of theirs!! & I always felt love for both of them!! Their songs, dancing & everything about them well exceeds before all other entertainers!! I subscribe to some of the You Tube channels that play their songs!!

I also listen to other pop music, soft rock, rock, soul, & rhythm& blues, & disco music. I particularly like music of the 70's & the 80's.

Yvette Sanchez's exclusive interview

1. Overcoming Adversity:
1.1.  Can you tell us more about the experience of overcoming physical, verbal, mental abuse, and neglect during your childhood?

Naturally, I had no way to stop the abuse & neglect. & I couldn't even get any help from the law because sadly, in those days, no one wanted to get involved, nor even anonymously report it to the law ( I have no idea why they were so afraid to be involved). & It didn't help that so many, even the law, for some reason preferred to believe that it couldn't possibly be true, or at least  that it couldn't possibly be all that bad. So, rather, I just decided for myself that I didn't deserve this, that I still deserved & wanted to have a great future. So, I decided that I would make myself be determined & stay strong to not let the abuse & neglect drag me down, to truly be a survivor.

1.2. What were some of the specific challenges you faced in this situation?

Some of my specific challenges that I faced in this situation were: The pain often being so excruciating to a point of almost unbearable. I had to bear with it & stay strong because I didn't want to just give in & collapse under the pain because I knew that I still deserved a chance at a future.

The constant fear of it often happening again. But, I knew that I needed to stay strong against it in order to see a future that I knew that I deserve. I was able to stay all the stronger at that time by asking God to give me inner-spiritual strength so that I could stand strong through it, & then I placed my entire trust in God to do that for me, & he knew how much I needed his help, so he did do that for me.

Feeling like no one cared & that I was alone. But, I knew that it is important to have self-love, self appreciation, & self-respect first & foremost. &, I knew that I'd always have God & his love there for me.

Feeling like it might never end. But, I had to remind myself that someday, as an adult, & once I would have saved up enough money, that I could finally move out & be free of my abusers/neglectors.

1.3. How did you find the strength and determination to rise above these experiences?
I found the strength & determination to rise above this situation by wanting a chance at a future, by being determined to be a survivor in order to see my future, & by turning even more to God & trusting him to stay by my side.

2. Inner Strength & Resilience:
2.1. What role did self-belief and self-worth play in your personal growth journey?

The role that self-belief & self-worth played in my personal growth journey was that: By having faith in myself that I am somebody, realizing that I can make a difference in this world, & realizing that I deserve a chance at a future gave me the determination & inner-strength to be a survivor & carry on which would be my own personal growth journey.

2.2. How did you cultivate inner strength and resilience in the face of adversity?

 I cultivated inner-strength & resilience in the face of adversity by: Reminding myself that there is a future in the world out there waiting for me, that I deserve that future, that, in order to see that future, I must become a survivor, by always staying close to God, & gaining from God as well as my own determination, the strength that it takes to be a survivor.

2.3 What advice do you have for others who are facing similar challenges in their lives?

The advice that I have for others who are experiencing similar challenges in life is: The same things that I learned. Never give up on life. There is a future in the world out there waiting for you. You deserve that future. To have your future, it is important that you become a survivor. Always stay close to God. From God & your own determination, you will have the strength that it takes to be a survivor.

3. Turning Pain into Purpose:
3.1. What motivated you to share your story with others?

What motivated me to share my story with others is because I want the world to understand that, as unfair as it is, unfortunately, there are people out there in pain & suffering, who are victims of vicious abuse & neglect. But, what also motivated me to share my story is to make people aware that sometimes there are people out there that do care & get involved as long as you're willing to ask for their help, such as the police & social services (Fortunately, now they do offer that a lot. Unlike, when I was growing up & they didn't offer that much.). & It is important to not hesitate to reach out for help. What also motivated me to share my story is that I want victims of abuse to know that they are not alone. &, Finally, what motivated me share my story is to let people know that it is important to never give up, to know that there's a future out there waiting for you, & you deserve your chance at that future, so it is important to be brave & strong, to be a survivor.

3.2. What message do you hope to convey to viewers who are facing similar hardships?

The message that I hope to convey to others out there suffering in similar situations is that it is important to know that you don't deserve to suffer, so it's okay to reach out & ask for help. It's also important to know that you are never alone, some others out there have suffered just like you, & while you're abusers do not have the sense to care about you, there will be enough others in life that will care about you. It's important to know that you are as wonderful & as worthy as anyone, & you have a great future out there waiting for you, so know that your abusers are the ones with the problems, not you, so don't let them drag you down, always stay brave & strong, be a survivor, ready to carry on.

3.3. How has sharing your story impacted your life and the lives of others?
The way that sharing my story has impacted my life & the lives of others is that: It makes me feel good & proud that I can share my story with others & be able to truly say that I was determined & am a survivor. It allows me to want to continue to set a good example by continuing to do great & important things with my life, which shows that a person can still move on & succeed. It helps others by giving the same strength & determination to other possible victims out there. It helps others because they say that they learn important lessons from what I went through, & that what they feel for people like me is an even greater respect & appreciation for people like me who had to suffer & struggle to survive & yet became all the more determined to be survivors. & It has helped others to be more aware of the existence of victims like me. & It has made others more aware & more prepared in the event that if they should ever find themselves in a similar situation.

4. Finding Meaning and Hope:
4.1. How did you find meaning and purpose in life despite your past struggles?

The way that I found purpose in my life despite my past struggles was by later seeing in life as an adult that I indeed had a future out there waiting for me, & am indeed as worthy & wonderful as anyone. I saw that through becoming a wife & mother. I also saw that through so many great things that I accomplished in life from small things to big things, & often of great importance. I always kept the faith that God held great plans ahead of me in life, & that gave me the great inner-strength & determination to hang on & be a survivor.

4.2. What strategies do you use to maintain a positive outlook and keep moving forward?

The strategies that I use to maintain a positive outlook & to keep moving forward are: I realize all that God did for me in my adulthood to make my past struggle up to me. I also realize that I have indeed made an important difference in this world, & that I have accomplished a lot. & I look back occasionally to realize all that I was able to withstand & overcome thanks to faith, inner-strength, & determination to survive & move forward to a bright future, & the reward of living to have that.

4.3. What message of hope and encouragement would you like to share with viewers who are struggling to find their own meaning in life?

My message of hope & encouragement that I would like to share in life with viewers who are struggling to find their own meaning in life is: Never let anyone or anything make you feel unworthy nor any lesser than anyone else. Even when they're hurting you, stay spiritually strong. Know that God is still always with you, & is on your side, & that, if you put your trust in God, one day he will lead you to a brighter future. Use your inner-strength & determination to be a survivor. If you do that, you will find that you can survive, & eventually move on to a bright future of self-worth & great possibilities.

5. Additional information:
5.1. Please tell me more about your cultural background, if applicable, played a role in your experience and resilience.

 I would not say that my cultural background had anything to do with my experience & resilience. All I can say is that cultural background may sometimes have an influence with that. But, I don't think that it did in my case. I think that it was simply the case of severely abusive & severely mentally ill parents making me, their own child, an innocent victim. That's what I think in regards to my experience. & I think that in regards to my resilience it was just my own spiritual strength, inner-strength, & my own determination to survive (to be a survivor). & I'm so proud & so glad that I am a survivor because I am as worthy as anyone else, & I deserved a chance at a future, & I'm so glad that I came into a bright future. But, as for those who feel that their cultural background does have something to do with it, I think that it does not make abuse any more okay. If a person does feel that their cultural background is affecting that, they need to still understand that that does not make the abuse okay, & that, no matter what, they should never have to tolerate being a victim of abuse. They need to still stay spiritually strong, have great inner-strength, & be completely determined to be a survivor. & They need to report it to anyone that will care, such as the law & social workers, sometimes even teachers & counselors. &, When they get the chance, they need to preferably move away from the abusers, & be determined to start their own independent life, & always know that there is a better future out there waiting for them. & They need to work to mold their future whatever way that they want it to be through motivation & determination.

5.2. What do you think about the importance of seeking support and building a positive community around oneself?

What I think in regards to seeking support & building a positive community around one's self is: I personally was never able to find any real support. In my days, people were never taught much about the importance of getting involved or offering support, so I had to decide on my own to be a survivor. & I had to create my own support simply out of seeing hope in the world through seeing that there was a future out there waiting for me. & I did build a positive community around myself by grabbing onto & cherishing my own future, like my family & my friends. But, yes, I think that seeking support & building a positive community around one's self is definitely important. & Current victims & future victims of abuse & neglect, fortunately, now have people that can & will help them & support them, such as police, social workers, teachers, & counselors, if they will simply ask for help. & They do need to build a positive community around themselves by grabbing onto & cherishing their own future.

5.3. Let's end the interview on a hopeful and inspiring note, reiterating the message of overcoming adversity and finding strength within oneself. What is your life message to my blog's audience?

My life message to your blog audience is: There are people out there nowadays that do care & want to help & can help, such as police, social workers, teachers, & counselors. So, it's very important that, if you are in a situation like I was, to be sure to ask for help. & It's very important that you know that you are in no way to blame for the abuse, that the people that are doing that to you are the ones with the problem. It is also very important for you to know that you are still as good & as worthy as anyone, & that you still deserve an opportunity at a future. & Please always know that there is a future, a better life, waiting out there for you. & You need to work at molding your own future whatever way you want it to be through motivation & determination.

Blooming Beyond the Storm: How My Friend Found Strength in Darkness

In conclusion, to the ones suffering out there, please remember, you are not alone.

My friend's story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of seeking help.

If you're facing abuse, there are caring people – police, social workers, teachers, counselors – who want to support you.

You are not to blame. The abuse is never your fault. You are worthy of love, happiness, and a bright future.

Take my dear forever true good friend's message to heart:

There is hope, and that future starts with reaching out for help. With courage and determination, you can shape your own destiny. You deserve a life filled with kindness and the chance to thrive.

So please, don't hesitate to ask for help. It's the first step towards a brighter tomorrow.

I really hope this story inspired my blog readers of living with love and kindness.

I myself totally agree with Yvette's message.

Thanks to Yvette's encouragement, I have been able to maintained my Youtube channel and slowly recovered from depression.

As always, thank you so much for watching my videos and supporting my channels. I love you very very much.

God bless you, my dear forever true good friend, Yvetter Sanchez.


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