Michael Jackson Impersonator
Michael Jackson Impersonator

Michael Jackson Impersonator

The world of marketing is often romanticized. We see sleek campaigns, catchy slogans, and viral trends, and assume it's all glitz and glamour. But for those on the inside, the reality is a fascinating blend of creativity, strategy, and yes, even some strange quirks.

Today, we'll peek behind the curtain and explore some "weird" things most people wouldn't guess about marketing.

Common Knowledge to Insiders, Shocking Revelations to Outsiders

Let's start with a few tidbits that might surprise you. Did you know that:

  • Marketers spend a surprising amount of time on research and analysis.
    Gone are the days of gut feelings and guesswork. Data reigns supreme, with marketers meticulously poring over demographics, customer behavior, and market trends to craft targeted campaigns.
  • Humor can be a powerful marketing tool.
    While seriousness has its place, a well-placed joke or witty meme can instantly grab attention and build rapport with the audience.
  • Sometimes, the best marketing strategy is... no strategy at all.
    Believe it or not, some brands thrive organically, fueled by word-of-mouth and a loyal community.

Yes, just like this quote from "Parasite" movie:

It is funny how opposite it is to the famous quote "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail".

But I have experienced it, I never plan to make a successful viral video. It just happened with this video which generate more than 10 million views:

These are just the tip of the iceberg. Now, let's delve into the truly weird side of marketing:

The Weirdest Thing About Marketing:

We Sometimes Target People Who Aren't Even Our Customers!

This might sound counterintuitive, but hear us out. Imagine a company selling high-end luxury yachts. Their target audience, obviously, is the wealthy elite. But their marketing efforts might extend beyond showcasing sleek yachts in exotic locations. They might sponsor prestigious events, partner with luxury car brands, or even create content about fine dining and exclusive travel experiences.

Why do they do this? Here's the logic:

  • Building Brand Image: By associating themselves with luxury experiences, the yacht company subtly positions their product as the pinnacle of affluence. Even if someone can't afford a yacht, they might aspire to own one someday, solidifying the brand's aspirational image.
  • Reaching the "Influencers": The people attending those high-end events might not be the yacht buyers themselves, but they might be influential figures with significant social circles. By impressing these individuals, the company creates a ripple effect, getting their brand noticed by potential buyers indirectly.

Crazy, right? It might seem counterintuitive to target people who wouldn't buy your product directly. But in the world of marketing, it's all about creating a perception, building brand awareness, and ultimately, influencing buying decisions down the line.

My "Weird" Marketing Tactic: Targeting Beyond Event Organizers

Here's where my own story comes into play. When I was building my personal brand, "Tu Michael" the Moondancer, I knew my target audience was event organizers. They were the ones who could hire me to perform at their events.

But I also took a "weird" approach by targeting seemingly unrelated industries. I created content that appealed to entrepreneurs, focusing on the themes of inspiration, creativity, and pushing boundaries – all qualities that resonated with my Moondancing performances.

Why did this work?

  • Broadened My Network: By reaching out to entrepreneurs, I connected with a whole new audience who might not have been actively looking for a Moondancer, but were intrigued by my story and message. This expanded my network and opened doors to unexpected collaborations.
  • Demonstrated Versatility: Showcasing my performances to entrepreneurs helped highlight the versatility of Moondancing. They saw it not just as entertainment, but as a potential source of inspiration and a unique way to engage their own audiences.
  • Unexpected Opportunities: One entrepreneur, impressed by my story of dedication and pushing boundaries, ended up connecting me with an event organizer who was looking for exactly that kind of performance for their upcoming gala.

This "Earth Song" performance is just a small example how I marketing myself to 3S Group's CEO and founder. He even gave me a praise after my perfomance:

And that's not all. When I do freelancing job on Fiverr, my marketing strategy is to target musicians who want to promote their music. You can watch a trailer here:

And if you look at the comment section of that trailer video, you can see this:

You can see how MahendranathVanne found me on YTTTalk - a forum for Youtubers, Marioyarbrough saw my comment on another video of Michael Jackson Impersonator, and Dani222591 is also a dancer who want to do a collab video with me.

Most recently, I am doing a collab with Kaio Falcrow, a breakdancer from Italy:

This "weird" marketing strategy, targeting beyond my immediate target audience, ultimately led to more show bookings and brand awareness. It proves that sometimes, the most effective marketing goes beyond the obvious and embraces the unexpected.

Beyond the Weird: The Value of Understanding Marketing's Quirks

So, why should you care about these marketing oddities? Here's the thing: understanding the "weird" side of marketing can be incredibly valuable.

  • As a consumer: It helps you become a more informed and discerning buyer. You can recognize subtle marketing tactics and make purchasing decisions based on genuine need rather than emotional manipulation.
  • As a business owner: Knowledge is power. Understanding how marketing works – even the unconventional aspects – can empower you to make smarter marketing decisions for your own brand.

Marketing: Beyond the Glossy Facade - Unveiling the Weird and Wonderful

The Weird World of Marketing: It's Not Just About Selling

The "Tu Michael" example highlights another interesting quirk of marketing: it's not always a direct sales pitch. Sometimes, the most effective marketing builds brand awareness and establishes trust, paving the way for future sales.

Think about it this way: if you constantly bombard potential customers with "buy my product" messages, you risk alienating them. But by offering valuable content, showcasing your expertise, or even just entertaining them, you create a positive association with your brand. This makes them more receptive to your offerings down the line.

This isn't to say there's no place for direct sales messages. But it's crucial to find the right balance. By understanding the "weird" side of marketing, you learn to think creatively and craft campaigns that resonate with your audience on a deeper level.

Embrace the Weird: A Few More "Offbeat" Marketing Tactics

The marketing world is full of surprises. Here are a few more unconventional approaches that can yield impressive results:

  • Guerilla Marketing: This low-cost, high-impact approach utilizes unconventional methods to grab attention. Think pop-up art installations, interactive street games, or even flash mobs – anything that creates a buzz and gets people talking.
  • Cause Marketing: Partnering with a social cause you care about allows you to tap into a passionate audience while giving back to the community. It positions your brand as socially responsible and fosters positive brand association.
  • Influencer Marketing (with a Twist): While partnering with established influencers is a popular strategy, consider micro-influencers. These individuals might have a smaller following, but their audience is often highly engaged and receptive to their recommendations.

The Takeaway: Embrace the Weird and Craft Compelling Marketing

The world of marketing is a fascinating blend of science and art. By understanding the "weird" side of marketing – targeting non-obvious audiences, focusing on brand building over direct sales, and embracing unconventional tactics – you gain a powerful edge. You can craft marketing campaigns that are not only effective but also engaging and memorable.

So, the next time you encounter a marketing campaign that seems unusual, don't dismiss it. There's a good chance there's a clever strategy at play, one that might inspire you to think outside the box and create truly remarkable marketing for your own brand.

Let's keep the conversation going!

Share your experiences with "weird" marketing tactics in the comments below.

What unconventional approaches have you encountered, and how did they impact you?


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Help content creators to make money online by sharing actionable marketing tips #TEDxSpeaker since 2015 ⚠ Fact: Quit 9-5 banking job after 8 years (?!)
