Michael Jackson Impersonator
Michael Jackson Impersonator

Michael Jackson Impersonator

Bruce Lee was a martial artist, actor, and philosopher who had a profound impact on popular culture. His philosophy on life is as relevant today as it was when he first shared it. Michael Jackson was a dancer, singer, and entertainer who also had a profound impact on popular culture. His dance style was unique and innovative, and it inspired dancers all over the world.

In this article, we will explore how Bruce Lee's philosophy can be applied to Michael Jackson's dance. We will focus on the principles of adaptability, fearlessness, perseverance, self-criticism, and living life to the fullest. By applying these principles, dancers can learn to move with grace and ease, to overcome their fears, to improve their skills, and to enjoy the process of learning and creating. And and I will attach each point with my own Moondancing video to show how I apply it for myself, too.

Let’s moonwalk into it!

Bruce Lee and Michael Jackson: Two Masters of Movement

Both Bruce Lee and Michael Jackson were masters of movement. They were both able to move with grace and ease, and they were both able to express themselves through movement in a way that was both powerful and beautiful. However, their approaches to movement were very different. Bruce Lee's approach was based on the principles of Jeet Kune Do, which is a martial art that emphasizes adaptability, flexibility, and creativity. Michael Jackson's approach to dance was based on the principles of rhythm, grace, and theatricality.

Despite their different approaches, there are some key similarities between Bruce Lee's philosophy and Michael Jackson's dance style. Both men believed in the importance of being adaptable and fluid. They both believed that fear was an obstacle to personal growth. They both believed that the only way to overcome challenges was to face them head-on. And they both believed that the best way to improve was to be your own toughest critic.

If you have time, please watch this “Bruce Lee: The Lost Interview” to get a glimpse about Bruce Lee’s philosophy.

Be Water

One of Bruce Lee's most famous quotes is "Be water, my friend." This means being adaptable and fluid, like water. In dance, this means being able to move with grace and ease, and to adapt to different styles and rhythms. Michael Jackson was a master of adaptability. He was able to take different dance styles and make them his own. He was also able to adapt his dance to different musical genres. For example, his dance in "Smooth Criminal" is a mix of popping, locking, and breakdancing.

The "moonwalk" is a perfect example of how Michael Jackson applied the "be water" philosophy to his dance moves. The moonwalk is a dance move that appears to defy gravity. It is created by moving backwards while simultaneously moving the feet forward. This creates the illusion that the dancer is gliding across the ground.

The moonwalk is a difficult dance move to master. It requires a great deal of flexibility, coordination, and timing. However, Michael Jackson was able to master the moonwalk because he was able to be "water." He was able to adapt his body to the movement of the dance, and he was able to flow with the music.

The "be water" philosophy is a valuable lesson for dancers of all levels. By being adaptable and fluid, dancers can learn to move with grace and ease, and they can adapt their dance to different styles and rhythms. This will allow them to express themselves creatively and to connect with their audience in a powerful way.

Fear is the Mind Killer

Another famous quote from Bruce Lee is "Fear is the mind killer." This means that fear can prevent us from achieving our goals. In dance, fear can prevent us from trying new things, from taking risks, and from performing in front of others.

Michael Jackson was not afraid to face his fears. He was willing to try new things, even if he was scared. He was also willing to perform in front of large audiences, even when he was nervous.

One example of how Michael Jackson faced his fears is when he created the "moonwalk." The moonwalk is a dance move that appears to defy gravity. It is a difficult dance move to master, and many people were afraid to try it. However, Michael Jackson was not afraid. He practiced the moonwalk until he mastered it, and he then performed it in front of millions of people.

The "fear is the mind killer" philosophy is a valuable lesson for dancers of all levels. By facing their fears, dancers can overcome their limitations and achieve their goals. They can also learn to enjoy the process of learning and creating, even when they are scared.

Here are some other examples of how Michael Jackson applied the "fear is the mind killer" philosophy to his dance moves:

  • He was the first major artist to incorporate breakdancing into his performances, even though breakdancing was not yet mainstream at the time.
  • He was one of the first artists to perform a moonwalk on stage, even though it was a new and difficult dance move.
  • He was not afraid to experiment with different dance styles, even if they were not considered "cool" at the time.

By facing his fears, Michael Jackson was able to push the boundaries of dance and to create some of the most iconic dance moves of all time.

The Only Way Out is Through

Bruce Lee once said, "The only way out is through." This means that the only way to overcome a challenge is to face it head-on. In dance, this means practicing hard and never giving up, even when things are difficult.

Michael Jackson was a master of perseverance. He practiced his dance moves for hours every day, even when he was tired or frustrated. He also never gave up on trying new things, even if he failed at first.

One example of how Michael Jackson applied the "The Only Way Out is Through" philosophy to his dance moves is when he was trying to master the moonwalk. The moonwalk is a difficult dance move to master, and it took Michael Jackson years of practice to perfect it. However, he never gave up, and he eventually mastered the move.

The "The Only Way Out is Through" philosophy is a valuable lesson for dancers of all levels. By practicing hard and never giving up, dancers can overcome any challenge and achieve their goals. They can also learn to enjoy the process of learning and creating, even when things are difficult.

Here are some other examples of how Michael Jackson applied the "The Only Way Out is Through" philosophy to his dance moves:

  • He was not afraid to fail. He knew that failure was a part of the learning process, and he was willing to keep trying until he mastered a move.
  • He was always looking for new challenges. He knew that he could only improve by pushing himself, and he was always looking for new ways to challenge himself.
  • He was never satisfied with his work. He was always looking for ways to improve his dance moves, and he was never content to simply repeat the same moves over and over again.

By applying the "The Only Way Out is Through" philosophy, Michael Jackson was able to become one of the greatest dancers of all time.

Be Your Own Worst Critic

Bruce Lee once said, "The only way to become a master is to learn to be your own worst critic." This means that in order to improve, we need to be honest with ourselves about our strengths and weaknesses. We also need to be willing to work hard to improve our weaknesses.

Michael Jackson was a master of self-criticism. He was always looking for ways to improve his dance moves. He would often watch videos of himself and critique his own performance. He would also ask for feedback from his dancers and choreographers.

One example of how Michael Jackson applied the "Be Your Own Worst Critic" philosophy to his dance moves is when he was trying to master the moonwalk. The moonwalk is a difficult dance move to master, and Michael Jackson knew that he needed to be critical of his own performance in order to improve. He would often watch videos of himself practicing the moonwalk and critique his own technique. He would also ask for feedback from his dancers and choreographers.

The "Be Your Own Worst Critic" philosophy is a valuable lesson for dancers of all levels. By being honest with ourselves about our strengths and weaknesses, we can identify areas where we need to improve. We can also learn to be more objective about our own performance, which can help us to improve more quickly.

Here are some other examples of how Michael Jackson applied the "Be Your Own Worst Critic" philosophy to his dance moves:

  • He would often watch videos of other dancers and try to learn from their techniques.
  • He would also experiment with different dance moves and see what worked best for him.
  • He was always looking for ways to improve his dance moves, even after he had mastered them.

By applying the "Be Your Own Worst Critic" philosophy, Michael Jackson was able to improve his dance skill from time to time.

Live Life to the Fullest

Bruce Lee once said, "Life is not a rehearsal." This means that we should live each day to the fullest and that we should not take anything for granted. In dance, this means enjoying the process of learning and creating, and it means performing with passion and energy.

Michael Jackson was a master of living life to the fullest. He loved to dance and he loved to perform. He was always looking for new ways to express himself through dance, and he always brought his A-game to every performance.

One example of how Michael Jackson applied the "Live Life to the Fullest" philosophy to his dance moves is when he was performing "Thriller" on stage. The "Thriller" dance is a complex and demanding dance, but Michael Jackson performed it with such passion and energy that it was impossible not to be swept up in the moment.

The "Live Life to the Fullest" philosophy is a valuable lesson for dancers of all levels. By enjoying the process of learning and creating, dancers can find joy in their dancing and they can become more expressive performers. By performing with passion and energy, dancers can connect with their audience in a powerful way.

Here are some other examples of how Michael Jackson applied the "Live Life to the Fullest" philosophy to his dance moves:

  • He would often dance for hours on end, simply for the joy of it.
  • He would often experiment with different dance moves and see what he could create.
  • He would always bring his A-game to every performance, no matter how big or small.

By applying the "Live Life to the Fullest" philosophy, Michael Jackson was able to become not only the greatest dancer of all time but also become the master of body movement. Michael Jackson really enjoyed being onstage and dance will full of emtion and energy. Let's see how apply the same philosphy and feel the freedom and power of Moondancing in this video:


Bruce Lee and Michael Jackson were two masters of movement who inspired dancers all over the world. They both had a unique philosophy on life that helped them to achieve greatness.

Bruce Lee's philosophy emphasized adaptability, fearlessness, perseverance, self-criticism, and living life to the fullest. Michael Jackson's philosophy emphasized rhythm, grace, theatricality, and the importance of having fun.

The principles of both Bruce Lee and Michael Jackson's philosophies can be applied to dance. By being adaptable, dancers can learn to move with grace and ease. By being fearless, dancers can overcome their fears and achieve their goals. By persevering, dancers can overcome any challenge and achieve their dreams. By being self-critical, dancers can identify areas where they need to improve. And by living life to the fullest, dancers can find joy in their dancing and connect with their audience in a powerful way.

If you are a dancer, I encourage you to learn more about Bruce Lee and Michael Jackson's philosophies. Their insights can help you to become a better dancer and to live a more fulfilling life.

As a Moondancer, I have created plenty of Michael Jackson dance tutorial videos, you can watch the playlist here.

I often analyze Michael Jackson dance move in details so that you can understand the basic concept. I don't just teach the dance step generally. Please watch this video to see how I broke down the concept of Michael Jackson spin:

I do hope that my Moondancing tutorials will inspire you to practice. Let's keep Michael Jackson's legacy alive.

Remember, "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So take that first step today and start dancing!


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