Michael Jackson Impersonator
My name is Tu Michael, a Moondancer and a Marketing Artist from Vietnam.
Welcome to my new website! This will be a new chapter of my life!
Let me introduce myself (hopefully not too long).
I was born in 1985. I would make my life story a movie if I could:
From a passive timid shy child with no interest in outdoor activities, I self-taught myself to become a Moondancer (Michael Jackson Impersonator).
I first performed onstage in Januaray, 2000.
Yep, you read it corectly. In 2000, which means 23 years ago. Time flies.
That very first performance changed my life completely. I felt an ultimate kind of energy running through my body while I was performing onstage. It was a very spiritual feeling. I knew that I could become more than a shy kid who only knew studying and studying only.
I silently practiced Moondancing despite my parents hated it and forbid me from dancing. It was a really hard time of my life as a small tiny shy kid with a big fantasy dream of being onstage again to perform. I struggled between balancing my study and dance practice. I even faced my first personal crisis in 2003. I was overloaded with study and exams right before the main exam for university. I was so depressed that I was sent to mental hospital. Basically I has gone crazy at that time. I kept talking nonsense stuff, crying and laughing at the same time. The doctor said I must be kept away from school and supposed to stay in hospital until my mental health got recovered. But my mother begged him to let her take care of me at home. Then I got recovered gradually and in time to take part in the exam. And I passed the exam with a good score.
This story is getting too long so I must cut it down. I will write in details later.
After graduation in 20007, I struggled and balanced the life of a Moondancer and a banker. Yep, I was working for a big bank in Vietnam from 2007 to 2015.
And you know what? I-hated-that-job!
So after spending 8 years of my life doing the thing that I hate, I quit my job.
Why dare I do that?
Because in 2011, I stumbled upon #Fiverr - a website for freelancer to do gigs to earn money. Fiverr was only 1 year old back then as far as I can remember. One thing lead to another, I stepped in this crazy and tempting “making money online” world. I made a plenty of money back then, too.
Oops, I am beginning to write too many words.
Let me finish this quick. So, long story short:
In 2022, I nearly lost everything. Every aspect of my life was affected negatively: health, family, friends, co-workers, job, career, etc. Please name anything that matters to a human, especially to a man. I've nearly lost them all.
This year 2023, I really need to start over.
I really need to build a powerful personal brand globally.
I really need to spread my story.
I am sure my story will inspire a lot of people.
But I am overwhelmed right now.
Things are too different when I started making money online 10 years ago.
Now I am stepping nearer to my 40s. Mid-life crisis, I guess? My mental and physical health are not as good as before.
I have online presence on Youtube and Twitter but it is very messy right now.
I know I have to niche down.
I know I have to rewrite my bio.
I know I have to do many things. Too many things. I got overwhelmed and confused.
Ok, so I think I must stop now before this writing got too long.
I attached in the header section with an image of myself, as a banker and a Moondancer. Do you see how different I am between onstage and offstage?
If you stumble upon this post and read to the end, please comment anything, even just a quick "Hello". I am really appreciated!

Help content creators to make money online by sharing actionable marketing tips #TEDxSpeaker since 2015 ⚠ Fact: Quit 9-5 banking job after 8 years (?!)