Michael Jackson Impersonator
Michael Jackson Impersonator

Michael Jackson Impersonator

Yesterday I shared my true story about "How I got interested in Marketing".

I am happy to receive positive feedback from Ship 30 community:

And my dear forever true good friend Yvette Sanchez said that blog post was "so well thought out, so greatly written"

It was not an easy journey. There were a lot of ups and downs. And I must admit I was overwhelmed with marketing books.

Marketing bookshelves overflow with the latest tactics, strategies, and "hacks." But amidst the sea of "Growth Hacking for Dummies" and "The 7-Figure Social Media Formula," a quiet wisdom whispers from the past.

The book I consistently recommend to aspiring marketers isn't some flashy new release, but a 2,500-year-old philosophical text: the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.

Why a Philosophy Book? 5 Reasons the Tao Te Ching Tops My Marketing Reading List

While seemingly far removed from the digital world, the Tao Te Ching offers profound insights that translate beautifully into the modern marketing landscape. Here's why this ancient text remains my go-to marketing resource:

1. Harmony Over Force: Attract, Don't Attack

The Tao Te Ching emphasizes a natural, effortless approach. It teaches us to understand the flow of things and align ourselves with it. In marketing, this translates to attraction marketing.

Instead of bombarding your audience with aggressive sales pitches, focus on creating valuable content that resonates with their needs and interests. Become a resource, a trusted source of information, and watch your audience gravitate towards you.

You can see how I apply this attraction marketing methodology to my Youtube channel:

That's the most update channel analytics (April 14-May 11, 2024), and you can see I post videos consistently and my whole channel got the same number of views as usual (138.8K). And in the last 48 hours, one video generated 7250 views. It is the power of attraction, not attack in marketing.

2. Authenticity is the Key: Be Yourself and Let Your Passion Shine

The Tao Te Ching emphasizes authenticity and living in accordance with your true nature. This rings true in marketing as well. Don't try to be someone you're not. Craft your message with a genuine voice that reflects your unique personality and brand values.

Your passion will shine through, fostering trust and connection with your audience. People connect with people, not hollow marketing personas.

When I apply marketing strategy on building my personal brand, I always think of authenticity with true passion. And I am confident that's the key reason why "Tu Michael" is much different from other Michael Jackson impersonators out there. Because I rarely wear make-up or take plastic surgery to look alike Michael Jackson. No matter where I perform, in a small room or a big stage, I always let my passion shine from within to express my true emotion through my Moondancing.

You can watch this phenomenal "Earth Song" performance here to feel it:

This is the video I did for a client when I was working as a freelancer on Fiverr. He orderd me to dance to "Earth Song" to promote a book. You can see I was just dancing in a small room without any fancy lighting or costume. But the emotion was so raw and it even gave me goosebump by watching it again.

No wonder why the client exclaimed "Your performance is phenomenal!".

That's why I used the word "phenomenal" in the video title.

Do you think it is phoenomenal?

3. Less is More: Focus on Quality, Not Quantity

The Tao Te Ching champions simplicity and doing less, but better. This translates directly to content creation. Don't overwhelm your audience with a constant barrage of mediocre content.

Focus on quality over quantity. Create in-depth, informative content that provides genuine value. People appreciate well-crafted content that solves their problems or fulfills a need.

4. The Power of Patience: Building Trust Takes Time

The Tao Te Ching emphasizes the importance of patience. Growth, both personal and professional, is a gradual process. The same holds true for building a successful brand. Focus on creating long-term value and building trust with your audience.

Don't get discouraged by overnight success stories – those are the exception, not the rule.

For example, I once got my video viral and generated 10M views since it was published in Dec 24, 2022. Yes, it was Christmas Eve back then.

It was just a funny Santa Claus transformation video. The editing is very basic, even a bit clumsy. You can watch it here:

But the most successful thing is not about this viral video, but the way I post content to gain trust with my audience.

For example, my dear forever true good friend Yvette Sanchez has been a loyal audience of my channel for since around September 2022.

I was suffering from depression at that time, and the trust from a loyal audience like Yvette Sanchez gave me confidence and strength to continue growing that abandoned Youtube channel.

It was a long story for another time.

Consistent, high-quality content and genuine interactions will nurture trust and loyalty in the long run.

I must say that sometimes I am very impatient and posting inconsitently. That's the reason why my Youtube channel was created in 2007 but it was abandoned for a long time.

But now I am determined to grow my personal brand "Tu Michael" as a Moondancer and Marketing Artist beyond border at a global level to spread my philosophy of Marketing and Moondancing. Cross my fingers and please wish me luck.

5. Understanding the Bigger Picture: Marketing is a Journey, Not a Destination

Do you think a viral video is a success? I think not.

A viral video is just a slice of life. And the most important thing is how you maintain your Youtube channel. As you can see in this photo, I still maintain my Youtube channel since 2007:

The Tao Te Ching encourages us to see beyond the immediate and understand the interconnectedness of everything. In marketing, it's crucial to see the bigger picture.

Marketing isn't a one-time fix or a magic bullet. It's a continuous journey of learning, adapting, and evolving. Just like water. And Bruce Lee once said "Be water, my friend". I have also written an article of how to apply Bruce Lee's philosophy into the art of dance.

Embrace the process, experiment, and learn from your mistakes.

The Tao Te Ching: A Timeless Guide for Modern Marketers

The Tao Te Ching may not offer step-by-step marketing tactics. However, its wisdom offers a powerful foundation for building a sustainable and successful brand.

By aligning with natural flow, embracing authenticity, focusing on quality, cultivating patience, and understanding the bigger picture, you can develop a marketing approach that resonates deeply with your audience.

Have You Read the Tao Te Ching?

If you're looking for a fresh perspective on marketing, I highly recommend giving the Tao Te Ching a read. It might just become your marketing bible as well.

Let's Discuss!

What other unconventional resources have you found helpful in your marketing journey? Have you read the Tao Te Ching? Did it resonate with you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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Help content creators to make money online by sharing actionable marketing tips #TEDxSpeaker since 2015 ⚠ Fact: Quit 9-5 banking job after 8 years (?!)
